
Dialogue among Civilizations through Poetry

Dialogue among Civilizations through Poetry  “To what extend the dialogue as an exchange of speech acts truly represents a meaningful practice in our daily interactions?” A critical approach to the spirit of the event. (OXFORD, 2000) By Erminia Passannanti  “The knowledge we have of, at least, one language”, says Chomsky, “is partly innate and partly learned.” When we acquired our own languages, we were put in the condition to enter, in a non-conscious way, the intricate network of our cultural background, indispensable to grow to be meaningful speakers. By entering the richness of our civilizations through the use of language, we are also induced (and forced) to contribute to it by means of our factual need to communicate thoughts, plans, tastes, judgments and feelings to others. Thus, we experience dialogue a...

"Dialoguing within the net" (Universal Net-Meetings and Private Poetics: an Excursus into the Future of Cyber- Culture. n.2)

  "Dialoguing within the net" ( Universal Net-Meetings and Private Poetics: an Excursus into the Future of Cyber- Culture. n.2)     By Erminia Passannanti In Book X of the Republic , ( Theory of Art ), Plato announces that poets are to be banned from the polis . They were derogated for being incapable of separating the content of their verse from the context of the real world and accused of creating a dangerous intimacy between men, the deities and their passions. Conversely, the speculative God conceived by Plato is, in his nature, completely different than the anthromorphic gods of the Greek poets, who mirror and justify all human vices. And certainly, the information that a poet such as Homer passed on to his audience did have the quality to be fully immersed in the vital and conflicting oral narratives it originated from, namely, the irrational myths of creation and ancestry. For that reason, to prevent wrong ideas being expressed, Plato asserts that a strict ...

Mask Press Oxford


La terra desolata. Poesie di T.S. Eliot

  La terra desolata. Poesie di T.S. Eliot Thomas Stearns Eliot nov 2020 Transference Traduzione di Erminia Passannanti THE WASTE LAND Traduzione italiana della raccolta di poesie The Waste Land, di T. S. Eliot. Include l'intervista con T.S. Eliot, dal titolo "The Art of Poetry", di Donald Hall. Sommario LA TERRA DESOLATA.....................................................................13 LA SEPOLTURA DEI MORTI........................................................... 15 UNA PARTITA A SCACCHI.............................................................. 18 IL SERMONE DEL FUOCO............................................................. 22 LA MORTE PER ACQUA..................................................................27 QUELLO CHE DISSE IL TUONO.................................................... 28 THE WASTE LAND..........................................................................33 THE BURIAL OF THE DEAD.........................................................