Erminia Passannanti is an Italian author, poet, and independent academic researcher known for her work in the fields of anglophone literature, poetry, cinema, censorship, religion, and cultural anthropology. Educated in Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Salerno, she holds a First-Class Honours Degree in this field and has obtained two PhDs, one in Italian literature from University College London (2004, England, UK) and the other in Social Sciences and Media Communications from Brunel University 2014, (England, UK).
Her work explores the interplay between different authors, movements and literary traditions, particularly focusing on the dynamic between Italian and English-American languages, literatures and cultures. Her poetic works reflect a blend of her Italian cultural roots and her exposure to and engagement with Anglo-American literature and culture. Her own poetry is close to various authors she has written about and translated, including the Brontë sisters, Sylvia Plath, T.S.Eliot, Seamus Heaney, Geoffrey Hill, and R.S. Thomas.
Passannanti's writings extend beyond poetry, encompassing the fields of cinema, and cinema censorship. She has made significant contributions to the understanding of these topics, particularly the complexities of censorship in relation to religion. Among her works are the monographs Il Corpo e il Potere. Salò o le 120 Giornate di Sodoma di Pier Paolo Pasolini, Franco Fortini traduttore di Bertold Brecht, Il Cristo dell'eresia: rappresentazione del sacro e censura nei film di Pier Paolo Pasolini, L'avventura della traduzione. The Waste Land, di TS Eliot.
Passannanti is recipient of a number of poetry prizes and awards, for poetry and essy writing, including the first prize at the Premio Nazionale di Poesia Laura Nobile (University of Siena) and the first Prize at the Premio Nazionale di Poesia 'Davide Maria Turoldo' as well as the first Prize at the national competition "Franco Fortini" (Section: Essay Writing, 2011).
On Pier Paolo Pasolini:
* Il Corpo & il Potere. Salò o le 120 Giornate di Sodoma di Pier Paolo Pasolini (Troubador, 2004);
*Linguaggi e metalinguaggi ne La ricotta di Pier Paolo Pasolini. IL CIBO. (Brindin Press, UK, 2005).
* La ricotta. Il Sacro Trasgredito, su P.P Pasolini e la censura clericale (2008);
* Il Cristo dell’Eresia. Rappresentazione del sacro e censura nei film di Pier Paolo Pasolini (Joker, 2009);
* La nudità del sacro nei film di Pier Paolo Pasolini (2019).
* Leonard Cohen. |Songs |Inspired by |Religion.
On Franco Fortini :
* Poem of the Roses. Linguistic Expressionism in the Poetry of Franco Fortini (Troubador, 2005);
*Senso e semiotica in Paesaggio con Serpente (Brindin Press, 2004);
* Scrittura saggistica, dizione lirica e traduzione poetica nell’opera di Franco Fortini (Brindin Press, 2004);
Other books:
Vested Voices. Literary Transvestism (co-edited with Rossella Riccobono), (Troubador, 2006).
Sylvia Plath; Emily, Charlotte e Anne Brontë, Poesie (Ripostes, 1989); Leonard Woolf, A caccia di intellettuali (Ripostes, 1990); Gli Uomini sono una beffa degli angeli: Poesia britannica contemporanea (Ripostes, 1993); R. S. Thomas, Liriche alla svolta di un millennio (Manni, 1998), Poesia del dissenso. Poesia italiana contemporanea (2004-2006), T.S. Eliot, L'avventura della traduzione. La terra desolata (2015).
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